Samsung LTE 4G SCH-i520

Samsung SCH-i520 is one of the upcoming Android-based Smartphone that will support LTE-Advanced (4G). Infosysword wrote about the possibility that will be released by Verizon Wireless as it's third LTE device on mid-2011 (Feb/March).

Besides walking on 4G LTE network, most likely the Samsung SCH-i520 will also support 3G EVDO Rev. A networks, because after all 3G networks may still be a favorite and many users even until the end of 2011. Still need time to find out how many (Verizon's) customers that will upgrade their Internet connection from 3G to 4G (LTE), which obviously would suck more expensive subscription fees as well.

There has been no clear statement about what features will be presented, but Gizmodo reports that the specs will include running TouchWIZ with Google search, as opposed to the Fascinate and Continuum's current TouchWIZ with Bing search. All are still approximate and anything can change and differ at all when the Samsung SCH i520 LTE will really has revealed its original face.