Do you really need Additional Antenna To increase the speed wireless Internet access?

Many people are not satisfied with the existing Internet connection speed, so that many attempts were made to overcome this problem. One way is to add antennas to a usb modem or modem phone.
But there are actually some important things in this case, among others: the quality of signals obtained from the nearest base stations, access location, and quality of devices (modem / phone modem) used.

Some important things about the speed of Internet access based on the following conditions:
  • Quality network of providers that are less good, so the connection becomes slow. This is usually due to overload on the limits of the nearest BTS. Too many users are online simultaneously be the main cause of this. In this case the additional antennas will not help at all.
  • If you are close to the BTS and get pretty good signal, and the speed of Internet access does not comply with the existing section, while the devices are okay, then it might be caused because as the first point. In this case, the additional antennas will not help much.
  • If you're away from base stations and not get a enough signals, normally should have a full bar, perhaps in this case an additional antenna can help. But keep in mind just to help get a better signal and not getting the access speed increases.
  • If you use CDMA network and cdma 20001x only get a signal only, then the maximum speed will not be more than 153 kbps. No matter you are too close to the BTS and a very good signal. In the CDMA network and we know there CDMA20001x CDME EVDO and GSM networks we know there are GPRS, EDGE, 3G, and HSUPA HSDPS. Each has a speed limit on its own. In this case, the additional antennas will not help increase the speed of 153 kbps if you only get signal only CDMA 20001x. And so on.

Buy an additional antenna may become a slow wireless Internet solutions. But keep in mind the things above and do not let you buy the antenna and there's no benefit at all to obtain.