Scribe Pen for Sprint' Evo Wiew Wimax Sold Separately for $80

HTC Evo View 4G for Sprint's WIMAX service is a latest Android Hoenycomb tablet, that also has a different thing by featuring scribe pen to operate some cool imaging features such as capturing and making notes on pages, ebook and other enabled digital document on the Tablet.

unfortunately, the scribe pen (stylus) will sold separately for $80 digital pen alone, or you can say a $80 for a pen..? that only compatible with the Honeycomb Evo View WIMAX (Sprint) what is its usefulness of that pen generally. Hopefully more than just drawing a circle, underline or bold block on digital supported documents.

Just like reported by BGR, the Sprint's training material for the EVO View 4G shows that the pen is not included in the box, and if that turns out to be true, would be a major disappointment for the prospective buyers of the first carrier's WIMAX Honeycomb Tablet. BGR()