Nokia Gem, HumanForm and Kinetic Concept - The style of the future gadgets (Video)

The technological developments in motion and become increasingly sophisticated, interesting and even unique and awesome (at least when looking at the concept and is usually different when it actually launched). Not only that, of the development also leads to a function that is easier and worthwhile. Nokia as one of the leading mobile phone maker, has recently showcased the design of the phone with full touchscreen and even flexible. Minimal existing three concepts on display, namely Kinetic Labs Concept, Nokia Gem (100% touch) dan HumanForm concept (full touch and supple as rubber). Some of the video below can explain how these concepts will look like...

Nokia Kinetic Labs Concept

Nokia HumanForm concept

Nokia Gem

Of course, you do not need to be a headache thinking about how the application will work, how the phone will recognize the touch of what we want when all bodies phone in the hand (touch) and so on, since this ONLY THE CONCEPT!. However, will be very interesting we can actually hold it in the future that may not be too long, which would also change the style gadgets in the future.