Cell Phone Plans for modem Internet Needs

If you have any plan to buy a cell phone, this time not for the purpose of call and sms only. Further but for internet access. This is not making it up, evidenced by nearly all of today's cell phone,
equipped with a modem for Internet purposes. Apparently the explosion of social media and internet marketing into two among many reasons.

Factories leading cell phones and smartphones in the world, such as Samsung, Motorola, Nokia etc, almost everything has a bundling together the products sold cellular operator that provides Internet access service. We see how the big names like AT & T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon etc, must always coincided with the brand name cell phones.

The beginning Function of Cell Phone
Initially, cell phone created for voice services (telephone) and then send and answer SMS in a very limited words (Short Message Services). Along with the development of data technology and the Internet, Cell phones have also changed the function, or function that increases than just calls and SMS, a device receiving and sending large amounts of data.

Cell Phone to Feature Internet Modems
Then clearly, cell Pone also serves as the internet modem. Purposes of data access can not only be done in front of a computer on the desk, but when this can be done with a cell phone in the palm of one hand. With some squeeze in a few buttons, news, articles, songs, pictures, and anything on the internet can be enjoyed anywhere and anytime.

At current developments, could almost be said when a device without a cell phone feature and internet modem, will not be purchased by anyone. The fact is, even today a cell phone with a price under $ 40, must have been embedded Internet features, such as a modem for PC features, direct Internet connection from cell phone or an embedded feature most popular social media like Facebook and twitter that can be accessed by pressing one button.

Are you planning to buy a cellphone today? Of course you'll find cell phone that has internet features embedded in it. You certainly will not use it for calls and SMS only, but for the purposes of Internet and data.