HTC Mecca S : Thunderbolt LTE Small Version?

A new HTC's Android based smartphone cathced visits FCC with the name of HTC Mecca S. As we know, Mecca is the codename for the first LTE smartphone for Verizon, the Thunderbolt. The "S" behind the Mecca believed to be a "small", means Thunderbolt LTE small version?.

If true, there will be another version of the HTC Thunderbolt LTE, but the small version is all about size and model, and actually the most important thing to changed on Thunderbolt is something related to performance and quality in general, such as the stronger battery, may be some hardware performance, higher Mhz processor

In addition to be a smaller model of original HTC Thunderbolt, the Mecca S is also rumored to be a cheaper version of LTE, Verizon is the first smartphone. Meanwhile, there has been no official confirmation from any of the HTC Mecca S, is this really a smaller version of the Thunderbolt or will be completely different smartphone.