Samsung Galaxy Indulge LTE Announched, Tampa, Florida Added in 4G Coverage Area

MetroPCS is the 4th largest carrier in US provided 4G LTE wireless services since 2010 are available in all MetroPCS's metropolitan areas including Boston, Atlanta, Dallas-Fort-Worth, Detroit, Las Vegas, Jacksonville, LA, Miami, NY, Orlando, Philadelphia, Sacramento and San Fransisco.

April 1, 2011, MetroPCS announched the addition of Tampa, Florida and introduced the new LTE smartphone to support their 4G service, Samsung Indulge LTE. Samsung Galaxy Indulge (SCH-R910) is Android 2.2 4G LTE enabled smartphone with unlimited talk, text and 4GLTE web browsing. The Samsung Galaxy Indulge is available on MetroPCS 4GLTE service plans that range from $50 to $60 a month, including all applicable taxes and regulatory fees.

The Samsung Galaxy Indulge is available in-store or online for $299 after a $100 mail-in rebate, plus tax. Meanwhile, there is a Samsung Craft SCH-R900 previous LTE-enabled smartphon that launched by MetroPCS in 2010. MetoPCS